Post by Ayrea on Jan 10, 2010 13:39:51 GMT -6
Gonna start posting parses in a separate thread to avoid spamming the monthly results.
January 10, 2010:
Abela 17482 6.18 % 11463 0 0 5874 0 145
Aleve 973 0.34 % 0 0 0 0 973 0
Amc 22494 7.95 % 12956 0 44 9200 294 0
Ayrea 29166 10.31 % 8188 0 0 20978 0 0
Daemonarche 31790 11.24 % 10445 0 0 21332 0 13
Fnord 18367 6.49 % 0 0 0 0 18367 0
Icestorm 19644 6.95 % 11816 0 63 7211 554 0
Ikonic 38904 13.75 % 27447 0 64 11064 0 329
Keskia 356 0.13 % 0 0 0 0 356 0
Raizo 5690 2.01 % 1153 0 0 0 4512 25
Serif 22430 7.93 % 11310 0 0 11118 0 2
Sheldon 15695 5.55 % 6132 0 0 9563 0 0
Thalandor 19069 6.74 % 0 0 0 0 19069 0
Umbrao 23641 8.36 % 9345 0 1928 12367 0 1
Zarris 11682 4.13 % 7091 0 0 4214 0 377
Diabolos 117 0.04 % 117 0 0 0 0 0
Firewing 1247 0.44 % 732 0 515 0 0 0
SC: Compression 12 0.00 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Darkness 1914 0.68 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Distortion 268 0.09 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Fragmentation 329 0.12 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Fusion 485 0.17 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Gravitation 48 0.02 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Light 1035 0.37 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 282838 100.00 % 118195 0 2614 112921 44125 892
Melee Damage
Player Melee Dmg Melee % Hit/Miss M.Acc % M.Low/Hi M.Avg #Crit C.Low/Hi C.Avg Crit%[/b]
Abela 11463 65.57 % 89/24 78.76 % 59/233 127.14 2 175/227 201.00 2.25 %
Amc 12956 57.60 % 138/48 74.19 % 0/241 82.39 21 9/266 157.90 15.22 %
Ayrea 8188 28.07 % 94/17 84.68 % 14/162 81.56 6 127/205 168.50 6.38 %
Daemonarche 10445 32.86 % 114/32 78.08 % 19/190 86.84 7 93/220 164.71 6.14 %
Icestorm 11816 60.15 % 106/11 90.60 % 1/239 106.85 7 88/283 176.86 6.60 %
Ikonic 27447 70.55 % 458/94 82.97 % 0/127 51.09 69 0/177 109.74 15.07 %
Raizo 1153 20.26 % 44/55 44.44 % 0/50 21.59 5 51/82 62.20 11.36 %
Serif 11310 50.42 % 90/10 90.00 % 13/223 109.59 14 115/272 212.93 15.56 %
Sheldon 6132 39.07 % 65/14 82.28 % 7/161 85.90 5 151/230 195.60 7.69 %
Umbrao 9345 39.53 % 93/2 97.89 % 25/218 95.79 7 112/254 158.14 7.53 %
Zarris 7091 60.70 % 272/115 70.28 % 0/71 24.64 16 21/87 48.88 5.88 %
Diabolos 117 100.00 % 2/1 66.67 % 47/47 47.00 1 70/70 70.00 50.00 %
Firewing 732 58.70 % 18/4 81.82 % 27/51 38.18 1 83/83 83.00 5.56 %
Ranged Damage
Player Range Dmg Range % Hit/Miss R.Acc % R.Low/Hi R.Avg #Crit C.Low/Hi C.Avg Crit%[/b]
Zarris 0 0.00 % 0/1 0.00 % 0/0 0.00 0 0/0 0.00 0.00 %
Other Magical Damage (Additional Effects and Spikes)
Player M.AE Dmg # M.AE M.AE Avg R.AE Dmg # R.AE R.AE Avg Spk.Dmg # Spike Spk.Avg[/b]
Abela 145 9 16.11 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Daemonarche 13 2 6.50 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Ikonic 60 13 4.62 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Raizo 25 1 25.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Serif 2 2 1.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Umbrao 1 1 1.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Zarris 377 93 4.05 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Other Physical Damage (Counterattacks and Retaliations)
Player CA.Dmg CA.Hit/Miss CA.Low/Hi CA.Avg Ret.Dmg Ret.Hit/Miss Ret.Low/Hi Ret.Avg[/b]
Ikonic 269 4/0 12/124 67.25 0 0/0 0/0 0.00
Weaponskill Damage
Player WSkill Dmg WSkill % Hit/Miss WS.Acc % WS.Low/Hi WS.Avg[/b]
Abela 5874 33.60 % 12/0 100.00 % 277/688 489.50
- Raging Rush 1799 30.63 % 4/0 100.00 % 312/688 449.75
- Steel Cyclone 4075 69.37 % 8/0 100.00 % 277/642 509.38
Amc 9200 40.90 % 13/0 100.00 % 487/955 707.69
- Spinning Slash 9200 100.00 % 13/0 100.00 % 487/955 707.69
Ayrea 20978 71.93 % 27/1 96.43 % 518/1064 776.96
- Tachi: Gekko 18895 90.07 % 24/1 96.00 % 518/1064 787.29
- Tachi: Kasha 805 3.84 % 1/0 100.00 % 805/805 805.00
- Tachi: Rana 642 3.06 % 1/0 100.00 % 642/642 642.00
- Tachi: Yukikaze 636 3.03 % 1/0 100.00 % 636/636 636.00
Daemonarche 21332 67.10 % 28/1 96.55 % 401/1094 761.86
- Tachi: Gekko 21332 100.00 % 28/1 96.55 % 401/1094 761.86
Icestorm 7211 36.71 % 14/1 93.33 % 210/801 515.07
- Guillotine 1038 14.39 % 2/0 100.00 % 364/674 519.00
- Insurgency 1317 18.26 % 3/0 100.00 % 247/665 439.00
- Spinning Slash 3007 41.70 % 4/1 80.00 % 649/801 751.75
- Steel Cyclone 1849 25.64 % 5/0 100.00 % 210/582 369.80
Ikonic 11064 28.44 % 24/0 100.00 % 95/947 461.00
- Asuran Fists 8910 80.53 % 20/0 100.00 % 142/947 445.50
- Howling Fist 2154 19.47 % 4/0 100.00 % 95/919 538.50
Serif 11118 49.57 % 11/0 100.00 % 564/2306 1010.73
- King's Justice 5335 47.99 % 6/0 100.00 % 568/1519 889.17
- Steel Cyclone 5783 52.01 % 5/0 100.00 % 564/2306 1156.60
Sheldon 9563 60.93 % 18/1 94.74 % 306/784 531.28
- Tachi: Gekko 9563 100.00 % 18/1 94.74 % 306/784 531.28
Umbrao 12367 52.31 % 23/0 100.00 % 131/1110 537.70
- Drakesbane 12367 100.00 % 23/0 100.00 % 131/1110 537.70
Zarris 4214 36.07 % 7/0 100.00 % 322/819 602.00
- Dancing Edge 2997 71.12 % 4/0 100.00 % 679/819 749.25
- Shark Bite 1217 28.88 % 3/0 100.00 % 322/477 405.67
Ability Damage
Player Abil. Dmg Abil. % Hit/Miss A.Acc % A.Low/Hi A.Avg[/b]
Amc 44 0.20 % 2/0 100.00 % 18/26 22.00
- Weapon Bash 44 100.00 % 2/0 100.00 % 18/26 22.00
Daemonarche 0 0.00 % 1/0 100.00 % 0/0 0.00
- Blade Bash 0 0.00 % 1/0 100.00 % 0/0 0.00
Icestorm 63 0.32 % 3/0 100.00 % 18/26 21.00
- Weapon Bash 63 100.00 % 3/0 100.00 % 18/26 21.00
Ikonic 64 0.16 % 1/0 100.00 % 64/64 64.00
- Chi Blast 64 100.00 % 1/0 100.00 % 64/64 64.00
Umbrao 1928 8.16 % 14/2 87.50 % 49/313 137.71
- High Jump 597 30.96 % 6/0 100.00 % 60/125 99.50
- Jump 1331 69.04 % 8/2 80.00 % 49/313 166.38
Firewing 515 41.30 % 6/0 100.00 % 10/360 85.83
- Flame Breath 454 88.16 % 3/0 100.00 % 41/360 151.33
- Frost Breath 29 5.63 % 1/0 100.00 % 29/29 29.00
- Lightning Breath 32 6.21 % 2/0 100.00 % 10/22 16.00
Spell Damage
Player Spell Dmg Spell % #Spells #Fail S.Low/Hi S.Avg #MBurst MB.Low/Hi MB.Avg[/b]
Aleve 973 100.00 % 5 0 13/418 194.60 0 0/0 0.00
- Blizzard III 401 41.21 % 1 0 401/401 401.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Dia III 13 1.34 % 1 0 13/13 13.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain 141 14.49 % 2 0 64/77 70.50 0 0/0 0.00
- Thunder III 418 42.96 % 1 0 418/418 418.00 0 0/0 0.00
Amc 294 1.31 % 5 0 0/154 58.80 0 0/0 0.00
- Absorb-ACC 0 0.00 % 1 0 0/0 0.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain 103 35.03 % 2 0 15/88 51.50 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain II 191 64.97 % 2 0 37/154 95.50 0 0/0 0.00
Fnord 18367 100.00 % 22 0 19/1135 834.86 0 0/0 0.00
- Blizzaga III 941 5.12 % 1 0 941/941 941.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Blizzard IV 4683 25.50 % 5 0 783/1134 936.60 0 0/0 0.00
- Burst II 1000 5.44 % 1 0 1000/1000 1000.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain 349 1.90 % 4 0 19/181 87.25 0 0/0 0.00
- Freeze II 1135 6.18 % 1 0 1135/1135 1135.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Thunder IV 10259 55.86 % 10 0 815/1119 1025.90 0 0/0 0.00
Icestorm 554 2.82 % 5 0 0/226 110.80 0 0/0 0.00
- Aspir 0 0.00 % 1 0 0/0 0.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain 311 56.14 % 2 0 85/226 155.50 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain II 243 43.86 % 2 0 35/208 121.50 0 0/0 0.00
Keskia 356 100.00 % 1 0 356/356 356.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Blizzard III 356 100.00 % 1 0 356/356 356.00 0 0/0 0.00
Raizo 4512 79.30 % 15 0 22/536 300.80 0 0/0 0.00
- Disseverment 2368 52.48 % 8 0 22/536 296.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Frenetic Rip 2144 47.52 % 7 0 83/517 306.29 0 0/0 0.00
Thalandor 19069 100.00 % 26 0 61/951 725.58 2 798/857 827.50
- Blizzard IV 3712 19.47 % 5 0 524/874 685.67 2 798/857 827.50
- Drain 510 2.67 % 3 0 61/268 170.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Fire IV 3848 20.18 % 5 0 635/873 769.60 0 0/0 0.00
- Thundaga III 1454 7.62 % 2 0 579/875 727.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Thunder IV 9545 50.06 % 11 0 687/951 867.73 0 0/0 0.00
Skillchain Damage
Skillchain SC Dmg # SC SC.Low/Hi SC.Avg[/b]
SC: Compression 12 1 12/12 12.00
SC: Darkness 1914 9 30/707 212.67
SC: Distortion 268 3 43/165 89.33
SC: Fragmentation 329 2 79/250 164.50
SC: Fusion 485 4 65/159 121.25
SC: Gravitation 48 1 48/48 48.00
SC: Light 1035 4 65/366 258.75
Abela 4323 5.05 % 2759 0 0 1478 0 86
Amc 7291 8.51 % 3724 0 26 3541 0 0
Ayrea 12092 14.12 % 4244 0 0 7848 0 0
Daemonarche 9811 11.46 % 3252 0 0 6559 0 0
Fnord 4260 4.97 % 0 0 0 0 4260 0
Icestorm 5101 5.96 % 2863 0 26 2212 0 0
Ikonic 15000 17.52 % 10721 0 0 4274 0 5
Serif 7752 9.05 % 4614 0 0 3137 0 1
Sheldon 4750 5.55 % 2187 0 0 2563 0 0
Thalandor 5459 6.38 % 0 0 0 0 5459 0
Umbrao 6595 7.70 % 2513 0 571 3511 0 0
Zarris 777 0.91 % 676 0 0 0 0 101
Diabolos 117 0.14 % 117 0 0 0 0 0
Firewing 1183 1.38 % 668 0 515 0 0 0
SC: Darkness 159 0.19 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Fusion 272 0.32 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Gravitation 48 0.06 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Light 639 0.75 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 85629 100.00 % 38338 0 1138 35123 9719 193
Melee Damage
Player Melee Dmg Melee % Hit/Miss M.Acc % M.Low/Hi M.Avg #Crit C.Low/Hi C.Avg Crit%[/b]
Abela 2759 63.82 % 21/6 77.78 % 91/170 126.60 1 227/227 227.00 4.76 %
Amc 3724 51.08 % 32/2 94.12 % 76/139 97.19 6 175/225 199.50 18.75 %
Ayrea 4244 35.10 % 41/4 91.11 % 75/162 98.97 2 179/205 192.00 4.88 %
Daemonarche 3252 33.15 % 30/3 90.91 % 75/167 101.78 3 145/202 168.00 10.00 %
Icestorm 2863 56.13 % 27/2 93.10 % 80/142 103.31 1 177/177 177.00 3.70 %
Ikonic 10721 71.47 % 117/15 88.64 % 36/127 77.46 22 111/177 152.82 18.80 %
Serif 4614 59.52 % 33/5 86.84 % 84/188 123.11 5 208/262 233.40 15.15 %
Sheldon 2187 46.04 % 24/6 80.00 % 58/112 85.27 2 151/160 155.50 8.33 %
Umbrao 2513 38.10 % 32/1 96.97 % 52/117 72.21 4 112/128 122.75 12.50 %
Zarris 676 87.00 % 48/11 81.36 % 6/20 13.31 3 21/28 25.67 6.25 %
Diabolos 117 100.00 % 2/1 66.67 % 47/47 47.00 1 70/70 70.00 50.00 %
Firewing 668 56.47 % 16/3 84.21 % 29/51 39.00 1 83/83 83.00 6.25 %
Ranged Damage
Player Range Dmg Range % Hit/Miss R.Acc % R.Low/Hi R.Avg #Crit C.Low/Hi C.Avg Crit%[/b]
Zarris 0 0.00 % 0/1 0.00 % 0/0 0.00 0 0/0 0.00 0.00 %
Other Magical Damage (Additional Effects and Spikes)
Player M.AE Dmg # M.AE M.AE Avg R.AE Dmg # R.AE R.AE Avg Spk.Dmg # Spike Spk.Avg[/b]
Abela 86 3 28.67 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Ikonic 5 1 5.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Serif 1 1 1.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Zarris 101 23 4.39 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Weaponskill Damage
Player WSkill Dmg WSkill % Hit/Miss WS.Acc % WS.Low/Hi WS.Avg[/b]
Abela 1478 34.19 % 3/0 100.00 % 421/616 492.67
- Raging Rush 441 29.84 % 1/0 100.00 % 441/441 441.00
- Steel Cyclone 1037 70.16 % 2/0 100.00 % 421/616 518.50
Amc 3541 48.57 % 5/0 100.00 % 490/925 708.20
- Spinning Slash 3541 100.00 % 5/0 100.00 % 490/925 708.20
Ayrea 7848 64.90 % 11/1 91.67 % 518/921 713.45
- Tachi: Gekko 7206 91.82 % 10/1 90.91 % 518/921 720.60
- Tachi: Rana 642 8.18 % 1/0 100.00 % 642/642 642.00
Daemonarche 6559 66.85 % 9/1 90.00 % 535/924 728.78
- Tachi: Gekko 6559 100.00 % 9/1 90.00 % 535/924 728.78
Icestorm 2212 43.36 % 3/1 75.00 % 649/801 737.33
- Spinning Slash 2212 100.00 % 3/1 75.00 % 649/801 737.33
Ikonic 4274 28.49 % 6/0 100.00 % 540/919 712.33
- Asuran Fists 2624 61.39 % 4/0 100.00 % 540/750 656.00
- Howling Fist 1650 38.61 % 2/0 100.00 % 731/919 825.00
Serif 3137 40.47 % 4/0 100.00 % 564/1189 784.25
- King's Justice 1384 44.12 % 2/0 100.00 % 568/816 692.00
- Steel Cyclone 1753 55.88 % 2/0 100.00 % 564/1189 876.50
Sheldon 2563 53.96 % 5/1 83.33 % 397/593 512.60
- Tachi: Gekko 2563 100.00 % 5/1 83.33 % 397/593 512.60
Umbrao 3511 53.24 % 8/0 100.00 % 359/547 438.88
- Drakesbane 3511 100.00 % 8/0 100.00 % 359/547 438.88
Ability Damage
Player Abil. Dmg Abil. % Hit/Miss A.Acc % A.Low/Hi A.Avg[/b]
Amc 26 0.36 % 1/0 100.00 % 26/26 26.00
- Weapon Bash 26 100.00 % 1/0 100.00 % 26/26 26.00
Icestorm 26 0.51 % 1/0 100.00 % 26/26 26.00
- Weapon Bash 26 100.00 % 1/0 100.00 % 26/26 26.00
Umbrao 571 8.66 % 5/1 83.33 % 60/142 114.20
- High Jump 185 32.40 % 2/0 100.00 % 60/125 92.50
- Jump 386 67.60 % 3/1 75.00 % 118/142 128.67
Firewing 515 43.53 % 6/0 100.00 % 10/360 85.83
- Flame Breath 454 88.16 % 3/0 100.00 % 41/360 151.33
- Frost Breath 29 5.63 % 1/0 100.00 % 29/29 29.00
- Lightning Breath 32 6.21 % 2/0 100.00 % 10/22 16.00
Spell Damage
Player Spell Dmg Spell % #Spells #Fail S.Low/Hi S.Avg #MBurst MB.Low/Hi MB.Avg[/b]
Fnord 4260 100.00 % 4 0 1026/1119 1065.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Thunder IV 4260 100.00 % 4 0 1026/1119 1065.00 0 0/0 0.00
Thalandor 5459 100.00 % 6 0 834/951 909.83 0 0/0 0.00
- Fire IV 1668 30.56 % 2 0 834/834 834.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Thunder IV 3791 69.44 % 4 0 938/951 947.75 0 0/0 0.00
Skillchain Damage
Skillchain SC Dmg # SC SC.Low/Hi SC.Avg[/b]
SC: Darkness 159 2 67/92 79.50
SC: Fusion 272 2 113/159 136.00
SC: Gravitation 48 1 48/48 48.00
SC: Light 639 2 273/366 319.50
Abela 8002 7.60 % 5449 0 0 2519 0 34
Aleve 154 0.15 % 0 0 0 0 154 0
Amc 8449 8.03 % 4168 0 0 3987 294 0
Ayrea 2323 2.21 % 482 0 0 1841 0 0
Daemonarche 10793 10.25 % 4333 0 0 6447 0 13
Fnord 6598 6.27 % 0 0 0 0 6598 0
Icestorm 4395 4.17 % 2108 0 0 1941 346 0
Ikonic 14640 13.91 % 9895 0 0 4441 0 304
Raizo 4824 4.58 % 822 0 0 0 4002 0
Serif 8928 8.48 % 4772 0 0 4156 0 0
Sheldon 8341 7.92 % 3665 0 0 4676 0 0
Thalandor 6761 6.42 % 0 0 0 0 6761 0
Umbrao 12555 11.93 % 4678 0 1141 6736 0 0
Zarris 7668 7.28 % 4503 0 0 2997 0 168
SC: Darkness 675 0.64 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Distortion 165 0.16 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 105271 100.00 % 44875 0 1141 39741 18155 519
Melee Damage
Player Melee Dmg Melee % Hit/Miss M.Acc % M.Low/Hi M.Avg #Crit C.Low/Hi C.Avg Crit%[/b]
Abela 5449 68.10 % 35/3 92.11 % 103/233 155.69 0 0/0 0.00 0.00 %
Amc 4168 49.33 % 38/1 97.44 % 3/178 94.28 6 117/266 191.83 15.79 %
Ayrea 482 20.75 % 5/0 100.00 % 58/142 96.40 0 0/0 0.00 0.00 %
Daemonarche 4333 40.15 % 39/9 81.25 % 20/190 106.38 2 177/220 198.50 5.13 %
Icestorm 2108 47.96 % 21/7 75.00 % 53/177 84.89 3 151/255 193.33 14.29 %
Ikonic 9895 67.59 % 154/10 93.90 % 0/125 57.55 20 0/156 109.15 12.99 %
Raizo 822 17.04 % 23/15 60.53 % 16/50 31.95 2 69/82 75.50 8.70 %
Serif 4772 53.45 % 41/4 91.11 % 22/223 111.00 4 115/247 166.25 9.76 %
Sheldon 3665 43.94 % 34/5 87.18 % 66/161 96.71 3 208/230 222.33 8.82 %
Umbrao 4678 37.26 % 33/1 97.06 % 103/218 135.16 2 234/254 244.00 6.06 %
Zarris 4503 58.72 % 110/42 72.37 % 23/71 38.90 6 70/87 76.17 5.45 %
Other Magical Damage (Additional Effects and Spikes)
Player M.AE Dmg # M.AE M.AE Avg R.AE Dmg # R.AE R.AE Avg Spk.Dmg # Spike Spk.Avg[/b]
Abela 34 2 17.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Daemonarche 13 2 6.50 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Ikonic 35 3 11.67 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Zarris 168 31 5.42 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Other Physical Damage (Counterattacks and Retaliations)
Player CA.Dmg CA.Hit/Miss CA.Low/Hi CA.Avg Ret.Dmg Ret.Hit/Miss Ret.Low/Hi Ret.Avg[/b]
Ikonic 269 4/0 12/124 67.25 0 0/0 0/0 0.00
Weaponskill Damage
Player WSkill Dmg WSkill % Hit/Miss WS.Acc % WS.Low/Hi WS.Avg[/b]
Abela 2519 31.48 % 5/0 100.00 % 312/688 503.80
- Raging Rush 1000 39.70 % 2/0 100.00 % 312/688 500.00
- Steel Cyclone 1519 60.30 % 3/0 100.00 % 473/549 506.33
Amc 3987 47.19 % 5/0 100.00 % 510/955 797.40
- Spinning Slash 3987 100.00 % 5/0 100.00 % 510/955 797.40
Ayrea 1841 79.25 % 2/0 100.00 % 903/938 920.50
- Tachi: Gekko 1841 100.00 % 2/0 100.00 % 903/938 920.50
Daemonarche 6447 59.73 % 8/0 100.00 % 477/1031 805.88
- Tachi: Gekko 6447 100.00 % 8/0 100.00 % 477/1031 805.88
Icestorm 1941 44.16 % 5/0 100.00 % 210/674 388.20
- Guillotine 674 34.72 % 1/0 100.00 % 674/674 674.00
- Steel Cyclone 1267 65.28 % 4/0 100.00 % 210/466 316.75
Ikonic 4441 30.33 % 8/0 100.00 % 282/947 555.13
- Asuran Fists 4032 90.79 % 7/0 100.00 % 282/947 576.00
- Howling Fist 409 9.21 % 1/0 100.00 % 409/409 409.00
Serif 4156 46.55 % 5/0 100.00 % 586/1112 831.20
- King's Justice 2432 58.52 % 3/0 100.00 % 586/1065 810.67
- Steel Cyclone 1724 41.48 % 2/0 100.00 % 612/1112 862.00
Sheldon 4676 56.06 % 7/0 100.00 % 518/784 668.00
- Tachi: Gekko 4676 100.00 % 7/0 100.00 % 518/784 668.00
Umbrao 6736 53.65 % 9/0 100.00 % 366/1110 748.44
- Drakesbane 6736 100.00 % 9/0 100.00 % 366/1110 748.44
Zarris 2997 39.08 % 4/0 100.00 % 679/819 749.25
- Dancing Edge 2997 100.00 % 4/0 100.00 % 679/819 749.25
Ability Damage
Player Abil. Dmg Abil. % Hit/Miss A.Acc % A.Low/Hi A.Avg[/b]
Umbrao 1141 9.09 % 6/1 85.71 % 103/313 190.17
- High Jump 338 29.62 % 3/0 100.00 % 103/122 112.67
- Jump 803 70.38 % 3/1 75.00 % 191/313 267.67
Spell Damage
Player Spell Dmg Spell % #Spells #Fail S.Low/Hi S.Avg #MBurst MB.Low/Hi MB.Avg[/b]
Aleve 154 100.00 % 3 0 13/77 51.33 0 0/0 0.00
- Dia III 13 8.44 % 1 0 13/13 13.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain 141 91.56 % 2 0 64/77 70.50 0 0/0 0.00
Amc 294 3.48 % 5 0 0/154 58.80 0 0/0 0.00
- Absorb-ACC 0 0.00 % 1 0 0/0 0.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain 103 35.03 % 2 0 15/88 51.50 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain II 191 64.97 % 2 0 37/154 95.50 0 0/0 0.00
Fnord 6598 100.00 % 8 0 128/1111 824.75 0 0/0 0.00
- Blizzard IV 1941 29.42 % 2 0 879/1062 970.50 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain 309 4.68 % 2 0 128/181 154.50 0 0/0 0.00
- Thunder IV 4348 65.90 % 4 0 1060/1111 1087.00 0 0/0 0.00
Icestorm 346 7.87 % 4 0 0/226 86.50 0 0/0 0.00
- Aspir 0 0.00 % 1 0 0/0 0.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain 311 89.88 % 2 0 85/226 155.50 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain II 35 10.12 % 1 0 35/35 35.00 0 0/0 0.00
Raizo 4002 82.96 % 10 0 223/536 400.20 0 0/0 0.00
- Disseverment 2104 52.57 % 5 0 223/536 420.80 0 0/0 0.00
- Frenetic Rip 1898 47.43 % 5 0 242/517 379.60 0 0/0 0.00
Thalandor 6761 100.00 % 10 0 61/939 676.10 0 0/0 0.00
- Blizzard IV 1398 20.68 % 2 0 524/874 699.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain 242 3.58 % 2 0 61/181 121.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Fire IV 873 12.91 % 1 0 873/873 873.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Thundaga III 579 8.56 % 1 0 579/579 579.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Thunder IV 3669 54.27 % 4 0 908/939 917.25 0 0/0 0.00
Skillchain Damage
Skillchain SC Dmg # SC SC.Low/Hi SC.Avg[/b]
SC: Darkness 675 2 209/466 337.50
SC: Distortion 165 1 165/165 165.00
Abela 4907 5.66 % 3005 0 0 1877 0 25
Aleve 819 0.94 % 0 0 0 0 819 0
Amc 6600 7.61 % 4910 0 18 1672 0 0
Ayrea 14664 16.91 % 3375 0 0 11289 0 0
Daemonarche 10827 12.48 % 2501 0 0 8326 0 0
Fnord 6375 7.35 % 0 0 0 0 6375 0
Icestorm 9077 10.47 % 6569 0 37 2263 208 0
Ikonic 8799 10.14 % 6368 0 64 2349 0 18
Keskia 356 0.41 % 0 0 0 0 356 0
Raizo 866 1.00 % 331 0 0 0 510 25
Serif 5222 6.02 % 1396 0 0 3825 0 1
Sheldon 2518 2.90 % 194 0 0 2324 0 0
Thalandor 6581 7.59 % 0 0 0 0 6581 0
Umbrao 3996 4.61 % 1659 0 216 2120 0 1
Zarris 2994 3.45 % 1669 0 0 1217 0 108
SC: Compression 12 0.01 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Darkness 1080 1.25 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Distortion 103 0.12 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Fragmentation 329 0.38 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Fusion 213 0.25 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Light 396 0.46 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 86734 100.00 % 31977 0 335 37262 14849 178
Melee Damage
Player Melee Dmg Melee % Hit/Miss M.Acc % M.Low/Hi M.Avg #Crit C.Low/Hi C.Avg Crit%[/b]
Abela 3005 61.24 % 31/14 68.89 % 59/130 94.33 1 175/175 175.00 3.23 %
Amc 4910 74.39 % 66/44 60.00 % 0/241 69.16 9 9/181 107.56 13.64 %
Ayrea 3375 23.02 % 47/13 78.33 % 14/96 63.91 4 127/185 156.75 8.51 %
Daemonarche 2501 23.10 % 41/20 67.21 % 19/95 57.67 2 93/159 126.00 4.88 %
Icestorm 6569 72.37 % 55/2 96.49 % 1/239 117.08 3 88/283 160.33 5.45 %
Ikonic 6368 72.37 % 178/66 72.95 % 5/56 28.75 27 54/101 75.07 15.17 %
Raizo 331 38.22 % 21/40 34.43 % 0/30 9.50 3 51/57 53.33 14.29 %
Serif 1396 26.73 % 13/1 92.86 % 13/106 53.67 4 185/272 228.25 30.77 %
Sheldon 194 7.70 % 6/3 66.67 % 7/65 32.33 0 0/0 0.00 0.00 %
Umbrao 1659 41.52 % 25/0 100.00 % 25/98 63.79 1 128/128 128.00 4.00 %
Zarris 1669 55.74 % 106/56 65.43 % 0/32 14.35 7 25/59 35.43 6.60 %
Other Magical Damage (Additional Effects and Spikes)
Player M.AE Dmg # M.AE M.AE Avg R.AE Dmg # R.AE R.AE Avg Spk.Dmg # Spike Spk.Avg[/b]
Abela 25 3 8.33 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Ikonic 18 7 2.57 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Raizo 25 1 25.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Serif 1 1 1.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Umbrao 1 1 1.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Zarris 108 38 2.84 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Weaponskill Damage
Player WSkill Dmg WSkill % Hit/Miss WS.Acc % WS.Low/Hi WS.Avg[/b]
Abela 1877 38.25 % 4/0 100.00 % 277/642 469.25
- Raging Rush 358 19.07 % 1/0 100.00 % 358/358 358.00
- Steel Cyclone 1519 80.93 % 3/0 100.00 % 277/642 506.33
Amc 1672 25.33 % 3/0 100.00 % 487/687 557.33
- Spinning Slash 1672 100.00 % 3/0 100.00 % 487/687 557.33
Ayrea 11289 76.98 % 14/0 100.00 % 574/1064 806.36
- Tachi: Gekko 9848 87.24 % 12/0 100.00 % 574/1064 820.67
- Tachi: Kasha 805 7.13 % 1/0 100.00 % 805/805 805.00
- Tachi: Yukikaze 636 5.63 % 1/0 100.00 % 636/636 636.00
Daemonarche 8326 76.90 % 11/0 100.00 % 401/1094 756.91
- Tachi: Gekko 8326 100.00 % 11/0 100.00 % 401/1094 756.91
Icestorm 2263 24.93 % 5/0 100.00 % 247/665 452.60
- Guillotine 364 16.08 % 1/0 100.00 % 364/364 364.00
- Insurgency 1317 58.20 % 3/0 100.00 % 247/665 439.00
- Steel Cyclone 582 25.72 % 1/0 100.00 % 582/582 582.00
Ikonic 2349 26.70 % 10/0 100.00 % 95/343 234.90
- Asuran Fists 2254 95.96 % 9/0 100.00 % 142/343 250.44
- Howling Fist 95 4.04 % 1/0 100.00 % 95/95 95.00
Serif 3825 73.25 % 2/0 100.00 % 1519/2306 1912.50
- King's Justice 1519 39.71 % 1/0 100.00 % 1519/1519 1519.00
- Steel Cyclone 2306 60.29 % 1/0 100.00 % 2306/2306 2306.00
Sheldon 2324 92.30 % 6/0 100.00 % 306/513 387.33
- Tachi: Gekko 2324 100.00 % 6/0 100.00 % 306/513 387.33
Umbrao 2120 53.05 % 6/0 100.00 % 131/526 353.33
- Drakesbane 2120 100.00 % 6/0 100.00 % 131/526 353.33
Zarris 1217 40.65 % 3/0 100.00 % 322/477 405.67
- Shark Bite 1217 100.00 % 3/0 100.00 % 322/477 405.67
Ability Damage
Player Abil. Dmg Abil. % Hit/Miss A.Acc % A.Low/Hi A.Avg[/b]
Amc 18 0.27 % 1/0 100.00 % 18/18 18.00
- Weapon Bash 18 100.00 % 1/0 100.00 % 18/18 18.00
Daemonarche 0 0.00 % 1/0 100.00 % 0/0 0.00
- Blade Bash 0 0.00 % 1/0 100.00 % 0/0 0.00
Icestorm 37 0.41 % 2/0 100.00 % 18/19 18.50
- Weapon Bash 37 100.00 % 2/0 100.00 % 18/19 18.50
Ikonic 64 0.73 % 1/0 100.00 % 64/64 64.00
- Chi Blast 64 100.00 % 1/0 100.00 % 64/64 64.00
Umbrao 216 5.41 % 3/0 100.00 % 49/93 72.00
- High Jump 74 34.26 % 1/0 100.00 % 74/74 74.00
- Jump 142 65.74 % 2/0 100.00 % 49/93 71.00
Spell Damage
Player Spell Dmg Spell % #Spells #Fail S.Low/Hi S.Avg #MBurst MB.Low/Hi MB.Avg[/b]
Aleve 819 100.00 % 2 0 401/418 409.50 0 0/0 0.00
- Blizzard III 401 48.96 % 1 0 401/401 401.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Thunder III 418 51.04 % 1 0 418/418 418.00 0 0/0 0.00
Fnord 6375 100.00 % 9 0 19/1135 708.33 0 0/0 0.00
- Blizzaga III 941 14.76 % 1 0 941/941 941.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Blizzard IV 1608 25.22 % 2 0 783/825 804.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Burst II 1000 15.69 % 1 0 1000/1000 1000.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain 40 0.63 % 2 0 19/21 20.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Freeze II 1135 17.80 % 1 0 1135/1135 1135.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Thunder IV 1651 25.90 % 2 0 815/836 825.50 0 0/0 0.00
Icestorm 208 2.29 % 1 0 208/208 208.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain II 208 100.00 % 1 0 208/208 208.00 0 0/0 0.00
Keskia 356 100.00 % 1 0 356/356 356.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Blizzard III 356 100.00 % 1 0 356/356 356.00 0 0/0 0.00
Raizo 510 58.89 % 5 0 22/163 102.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Disseverment 264 51.76 % 3 0 22/127 88.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Frenetic Rip 246 48.24 % 2 0 83/163 123.00 0 0/0 0.00
Thalandor 6581 100.00 % 9 0 635/875 703.71 2 798/857 827.50
- Blizzard IV 2314 35.16 % 3 0 659/659 659.00 2 798/857 827.50
- Fire IV 1307 19.86 % 2 0 635/672 653.50 0 0/0 0.00
- Thundaga III 875 13.30 % 1 0 875/875 875.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Thunder IV 2085 31.68 % 3 0 687/711 695.00 0 0/0 0.00
Skillchain Damage
Skillchain SC Dmg # SC SC.Low/Hi SC.Avg[/b]
SC: Compression 12 1 12/12 12.00
SC: Darkness 1080 5 30/707 216.00
SC: Distortion 103 2 43/60 51.50
SC: Fragmentation 329 2 79/250 164.50
SC: Fusion 213 2 65/148 106.50
SC: Light 396 2 65/331 198.00
January 10, 2010:
Damage Summary[/b]
Player Total Dmg Damage % Melee Dmg Range Dmg Abil. Dmg WSkill Dmg Spell Dmg Other Dmg
Abela 17482 6.18 % 11463 0 0 5874 0 145
Aleve 973 0.34 % 0 0 0 0 973 0
Amc 22494 7.95 % 12956 0 44 9200 294 0
Ayrea 29166 10.31 % 8188 0 0 20978 0 0
Daemonarche 31790 11.24 % 10445 0 0 21332 0 13
Fnord 18367 6.49 % 0 0 0 0 18367 0
Icestorm 19644 6.95 % 11816 0 63 7211 554 0
Ikonic 38904 13.75 % 27447 0 64 11064 0 329
Keskia 356 0.13 % 0 0 0 0 356 0
Raizo 5690 2.01 % 1153 0 0 0 4512 25
Serif 22430 7.93 % 11310 0 0 11118 0 2
Sheldon 15695 5.55 % 6132 0 0 9563 0 0
Thalandor 19069 6.74 % 0 0 0 0 19069 0
Umbrao 23641 8.36 % 9345 0 1928 12367 0 1
Zarris 11682 4.13 % 7091 0 0 4214 0 377
Diabolos 117 0.04 % 117 0 0 0 0 0
Firewing 1247 0.44 % 732 0 515 0 0 0
SC: Compression 12 0.00 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Darkness 1914 0.68 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Distortion 268 0.09 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Fragmentation 329 0.12 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Fusion 485 0.17 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Gravitation 48 0.02 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Light 1035 0.37 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 282838 100.00 % 118195 0 2614 112921 44125 892
Melee Damage
Player Melee Dmg Melee % Hit/Miss M.Acc % M.Low/Hi M.Avg #Crit C.Low/Hi C.Avg Crit%[/b]
Abela 11463 65.57 % 89/24 78.76 % 59/233 127.14 2 175/227 201.00 2.25 %
Amc 12956 57.60 % 138/48 74.19 % 0/241 82.39 21 9/266 157.90 15.22 %
Ayrea 8188 28.07 % 94/17 84.68 % 14/162 81.56 6 127/205 168.50 6.38 %
Daemonarche 10445 32.86 % 114/32 78.08 % 19/190 86.84 7 93/220 164.71 6.14 %
Icestorm 11816 60.15 % 106/11 90.60 % 1/239 106.85 7 88/283 176.86 6.60 %
Ikonic 27447 70.55 % 458/94 82.97 % 0/127 51.09 69 0/177 109.74 15.07 %
Raizo 1153 20.26 % 44/55 44.44 % 0/50 21.59 5 51/82 62.20 11.36 %
Serif 11310 50.42 % 90/10 90.00 % 13/223 109.59 14 115/272 212.93 15.56 %
Sheldon 6132 39.07 % 65/14 82.28 % 7/161 85.90 5 151/230 195.60 7.69 %
Umbrao 9345 39.53 % 93/2 97.89 % 25/218 95.79 7 112/254 158.14 7.53 %
Zarris 7091 60.70 % 272/115 70.28 % 0/71 24.64 16 21/87 48.88 5.88 %
Diabolos 117 100.00 % 2/1 66.67 % 47/47 47.00 1 70/70 70.00 50.00 %
Firewing 732 58.70 % 18/4 81.82 % 27/51 38.18 1 83/83 83.00 5.56 %
Ranged Damage
Player Range Dmg Range % Hit/Miss R.Acc % R.Low/Hi R.Avg #Crit C.Low/Hi C.Avg Crit%[/b]
Zarris 0 0.00 % 0/1 0.00 % 0/0 0.00 0 0/0 0.00 0.00 %
Other Magical Damage (Additional Effects and Spikes)
Player M.AE Dmg # M.AE M.AE Avg R.AE Dmg # R.AE R.AE Avg Spk.Dmg # Spike Spk.Avg[/b]
Abela 145 9 16.11 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Daemonarche 13 2 6.50 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Ikonic 60 13 4.62 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Raizo 25 1 25.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Serif 2 2 1.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Umbrao 1 1 1.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Zarris 377 93 4.05 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Other Physical Damage (Counterattacks and Retaliations)
Player CA.Dmg CA.Hit/Miss CA.Low/Hi CA.Avg Ret.Dmg Ret.Hit/Miss Ret.Low/Hi Ret.Avg[/b]
Ikonic 269 4/0 12/124 67.25 0 0/0 0/0 0.00
Weaponskill Damage
Player WSkill Dmg WSkill % Hit/Miss WS.Acc % WS.Low/Hi WS.Avg[/b]
Abela 5874 33.60 % 12/0 100.00 % 277/688 489.50
- Raging Rush 1799 30.63 % 4/0 100.00 % 312/688 449.75
- Steel Cyclone 4075 69.37 % 8/0 100.00 % 277/642 509.38
Amc 9200 40.90 % 13/0 100.00 % 487/955 707.69
- Spinning Slash 9200 100.00 % 13/0 100.00 % 487/955 707.69
Ayrea 20978 71.93 % 27/1 96.43 % 518/1064 776.96
- Tachi: Gekko 18895 90.07 % 24/1 96.00 % 518/1064 787.29
- Tachi: Kasha 805 3.84 % 1/0 100.00 % 805/805 805.00
- Tachi: Rana 642 3.06 % 1/0 100.00 % 642/642 642.00
- Tachi: Yukikaze 636 3.03 % 1/0 100.00 % 636/636 636.00
Daemonarche 21332 67.10 % 28/1 96.55 % 401/1094 761.86
- Tachi: Gekko 21332 100.00 % 28/1 96.55 % 401/1094 761.86
Icestorm 7211 36.71 % 14/1 93.33 % 210/801 515.07
- Guillotine 1038 14.39 % 2/0 100.00 % 364/674 519.00
- Insurgency 1317 18.26 % 3/0 100.00 % 247/665 439.00
- Spinning Slash 3007 41.70 % 4/1 80.00 % 649/801 751.75
- Steel Cyclone 1849 25.64 % 5/0 100.00 % 210/582 369.80
Ikonic 11064 28.44 % 24/0 100.00 % 95/947 461.00
- Asuran Fists 8910 80.53 % 20/0 100.00 % 142/947 445.50
- Howling Fist 2154 19.47 % 4/0 100.00 % 95/919 538.50
Serif 11118 49.57 % 11/0 100.00 % 564/2306 1010.73
- King's Justice 5335 47.99 % 6/0 100.00 % 568/1519 889.17
- Steel Cyclone 5783 52.01 % 5/0 100.00 % 564/2306 1156.60
Sheldon 9563 60.93 % 18/1 94.74 % 306/784 531.28
- Tachi: Gekko 9563 100.00 % 18/1 94.74 % 306/784 531.28
Umbrao 12367 52.31 % 23/0 100.00 % 131/1110 537.70
- Drakesbane 12367 100.00 % 23/0 100.00 % 131/1110 537.70
Zarris 4214 36.07 % 7/0 100.00 % 322/819 602.00
- Dancing Edge 2997 71.12 % 4/0 100.00 % 679/819 749.25
- Shark Bite 1217 28.88 % 3/0 100.00 % 322/477 405.67
Ability Damage
Player Abil. Dmg Abil. % Hit/Miss A.Acc % A.Low/Hi A.Avg[/b]
Amc 44 0.20 % 2/0 100.00 % 18/26 22.00
- Weapon Bash 44 100.00 % 2/0 100.00 % 18/26 22.00
Daemonarche 0 0.00 % 1/0 100.00 % 0/0 0.00
- Blade Bash 0 0.00 % 1/0 100.00 % 0/0 0.00
Icestorm 63 0.32 % 3/0 100.00 % 18/26 21.00
- Weapon Bash 63 100.00 % 3/0 100.00 % 18/26 21.00
Ikonic 64 0.16 % 1/0 100.00 % 64/64 64.00
- Chi Blast 64 100.00 % 1/0 100.00 % 64/64 64.00
Umbrao 1928 8.16 % 14/2 87.50 % 49/313 137.71
- High Jump 597 30.96 % 6/0 100.00 % 60/125 99.50
- Jump 1331 69.04 % 8/2 80.00 % 49/313 166.38
Firewing 515 41.30 % 6/0 100.00 % 10/360 85.83
- Flame Breath 454 88.16 % 3/0 100.00 % 41/360 151.33
- Frost Breath 29 5.63 % 1/0 100.00 % 29/29 29.00
- Lightning Breath 32 6.21 % 2/0 100.00 % 10/22 16.00
Spell Damage
Player Spell Dmg Spell % #Spells #Fail S.Low/Hi S.Avg #MBurst MB.Low/Hi MB.Avg[/b]
Aleve 973 100.00 % 5 0 13/418 194.60 0 0/0 0.00
- Blizzard III 401 41.21 % 1 0 401/401 401.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Dia III 13 1.34 % 1 0 13/13 13.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain 141 14.49 % 2 0 64/77 70.50 0 0/0 0.00
- Thunder III 418 42.96 % 1 0 418/418 418.00 0 0/0 0.00
Amc 294 1.31 % 5 0 0/154 58.80 0 0/0 0.00
- Absorb-ACC 0 0.00 % 1 0 0/0 0.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain 103 35.03 % 2 0 15/88 51.50 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain II 191 64.97 % 2 0 37/154 95.50 0 0/0 0.00
Fnord 18367 100.00 % 22 0 19/1135 834.86 0 0/0 0.00
- Blizzaga III 941 5.12 % 1 0 941/941 941.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Blizzard IV 4683 25.50 % 5 0 783/1134 936.60 0 0/0 0.00
- Burst II 1000 5.44 % 1 0 1000/1000 1000.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain 349 1.90 % 4 0 19/181 87.25 0 0/0 0.00
- Freeze II 1135 6.18 % 1 0 1135/1135 1135.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Thunder IV 10259 55.86 % 10 0 815/1119 1025.90 0 0/0 0.00
Icestorm 554 2.82 % 5 0 0/226 110.80 0 0/0 0.00
- Aspir 0 0.00 % 1 0 0/0 0.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain 311 56.14 % 2 0 85/226 155.50 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain II 243 43.86 % 2 0 35/208 121.50 0 0/0 0.00
Keskia 356 100.00 % 1 0 356/356 356.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Blizzard III 356 100.00 % 1 0 356/356 356.00 0 0/0 0.00
Raizo 4512 79.30 % 15 0 22/536 300.80 0 0/0 0.00
- Disseverment 2368 52.48 % 8 0 22/536 296.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Frenetic Rip 2144 47.52 % 7 0 83/517 306.29 0 0/0 0.00
Thalandor 19069 100.00 % 26 0 61/951 725.58 2 798/857 827.50
- Blizzard IV 3712 19.47 % 5 0 524/874 685.67 2 798/857 827.50
- Drain 510 2.67 % 3 0 61/268 170.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Fire IV 3848 20.18 % 5 0 635/873 769.60 0 0/0 0.00
- Thundaga III 1454 7.62 % 2 0 579/875 727.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Thunder IV 9545 50.06 % 11 0 687/951 867.73 0 0/0 0.00
Skillchain Damage
Skillchain SC Dmg # SC SC.Low/Hi SC.Avg[/b]
SC: Compression 12 1 12/12 12.00
SC: Darkness 1914 9 30/707 212.67
SC: Distortion 268 3 43/165 89.33
SC: Fragmentation 329 2 79/250 164.50
SC: Fusion 485 4 65/159 121.25
SC: Gravitation 48 1 48/48 48.00
SC: Light 1035 4 65/366 258.75
Damage Summary[/b]
Player Total Dmg Damage % Melee Dmg Range Dmg Abil. Dmg WSkill Dmg Spell Dmg Other Dmg
Abela 4323 5.05 % 2759 0 0 1478 0 86
Amc 7291 8.51 % 3724 0 26 3541 0 0
Ayrea 12092 14.12 % 4244 0 0 7848 0 0
Daemonarche 9811 11.46 % 3252 0 0 6559 0 0
Fnord 4260 4.97 % 0 0 0 0 4260 0
Icestorm 5101 5.96 % 2863 0 26 2212 0 0
Ikonic 15000 17.52 % 10721 0 0 4274 0 5
Serif 7752 9.05 % 4614 0 0 3137 0 1
Sheldon 4750 5.55 % 2187 0 0 2563 0 0
Thalandor 5459 6.38 % 0 0 0 0 5459 0
Umbrao 6595 7.70 % 2513 0 571 3511 0 0
Zarris 777 0.91 % 676 0 0 0 0 101
Diabolos 117 0.14 % 117 0 0 0 0 0
Firewing 1183 1.38 % 668 0 515 0 0 0
SC: Darkness 159 0.19 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Fusion 272 0.32 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Gravitation 48 0.06 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Light 639 0.75 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 85629 100.00 % 38338 0 1138 35123 9719 193
Melee Damage
Player Melee Dmg Melee % Hit/Miss M.Acc % M.Low/Hi M.Avg #Crit C.Low/Hi C.Avg Crit%[/b]
Abela 2759 63.82 % 21/6 77.78 % 91/170 126.60 1 227/227 227.00 4.76 %
Amc 3724 51.08 % 32/2 94.12 % 76/139 97.19 6 175/225 199.50 18.75 %
Ayrea 4244 35.10 % 41/4 91.11 % 75/162 98.97 2 179/205 192.00 4.88 %
Daemonarche 3252 33.15 % 30/3 90.91 % 75/167 101.78 3 145/202 168.00 10.00 %
Icestorm 2863 56.13 % 27/2 93.10 % 80/142 103.31 1 177/177 177.00 3.70 %
Ikonic 10721 71.47 % 117/15 88.64 % 36/127 77.46 22 111/177 152.82 18.80 %
Serif 4614 59.52 % 33/5 86.84 % 84/188 123.11 5 208/262 233.40 15.15 %
Sheldon 2187 46.04 % 24/6 80.00 % 58/112 85.27 2 151/160 155.50 8.33 %
Umbrao 2513 38.10 % 32/1 96.97 % 52/117 72.21 4 112/128 122.75 12.50 %
Zarris 676 87.00 % 48/11 81.36 % 6/20 13.31 3 21/28 25.67 6.25 %
Diabolos 117 100.00 % 2/1 66.67 % 47/47 47.00 1 70/70 70.00 50.00 %
Firewing 668 56.47 % 16/3 84.21 % 29/51 39.00 1 83/83 83.00 6.25 %
Ranged Damage
Player Range Dmg Range % Hit/Miss R.Acc % R.Low/Hi R.Avg #Crit C.Low/Hi C.Avg Crit%[/b]
Zarris 0 0.00 % 0/1 0.00 % 0/0 0.00 0 0/0 0.00 0.00 %
Other Magical Damage (Additional Effects and Spikes)
Player M.AE Dmg # M.AE M.AE Avg R.AE Dmg # R.AE R.AE Avg Spk.Dmg # Spike Spk.Avg[/b]
Abela 86 3 28.67 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Ikonic 5 1 5.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Serif 1 1 1.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Zarris 101 23 4.39 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Weaponskill Damage
Player WSkill Dmg WSkill % Hit/Miss WS.Acc % WS.Low/Hi WS.Avg[/b]
Abela 1478 34.19 % 3/0 100.00 % 421/616 492.67
- Raging Rush 441 29.84 % 1/0 100.00 % 441/441 441.00
- Steel Cyclone 1037 70.16 % 2/0 100.00 % 421/616 518.50
Amc 3541 48.57 % 5/0 100.00 % 490/925 708.20
- Spinning Slash 3541 100.00 % 5/0 100.00 % 490/925 708.20
Ayrea 7848 64.90 % 11/1 91.67 % 518/921 713.45
- Tachi: Gekko 7206 91.82 % 10/1 90.91 % 518/921 720.60
- Tachi: Rana 642 8.18 % 1/0 100.00 % 642/642 642.00
Daemonarche 6559 66.85 % 9/1 90.00 % 535/924 728.78
- Tachi: Gekko 6559 100.00 % 9/1 90.00 % 535/924 728.78
Icestorm 2212 43.36 % 3/1 75.00 % 649/801 737.33
- Spinning Slash 2212 100.00 % 3/1 75.00 % 649/801 737.33
Ikonic 4274 28.49 % 6/0 100.00 % 540/919 712.33
- Asuran Fists 2624 61.39 % 4/0 100.00 % 540/750 656.00
- Howling Fist 1650 38.61 % 2/0 100.00 % 731/919 825.00
Serif 3137 40.47 % 4/0 100.00 % 564/1189 784.25
- King's Justice 1384 44.12 % 2/0 100.00 % 568/816 692.00
- Steel Cyclone 1753 55.88 % 2/0 100.00 % 564/1189 876.50
Sheldon 2563 53.96 % 5/1 83.33 % 397/593 512.60
- Tachi: Gekko 2563 100.00 % 5/1 83.33 % 397/593 512.60
Umbrao 3511 53.24 % 8/0 100.00 % 359/547 438.88
- Drakesbane 3511 100.00 % 8/0 100.00 % 359/547 438.88
Ability Damage
Player Abil. Dmg Abil. % Hit/Miss A.Acc % A.Low/Hi A.Avg[/b]
Amc 26 0.36 % 1/0 100.00 % 26/26 26.00
- Weapon Bash 26 100.00 % 1/0 100.00 % 26/26 26.00
Icestorm 26 0.51 % 1/0 100.00 % 26/26 26.00
- Weapon Bash 26 100.00 % 1/0 100.00 % 26/26 26.00
Umbrao 571 8.66 % 5/1 83.33 % 60/142 114.20
- High Jump 185 32.40 % 2/0 100.00 % 60/125 92.50
- Jump 386 67.60 % 3/1 75.00 % 118/142 128.67
Firewing 515 43.53 % 6/0 100.00 % 10/360 85.83
- Flame Breath 454 88.16 % 3/0 100.00 % 41/360 151.33
- Frost Breath 29 5.63 % 1/0 100.00 % 29/29 29.00
- Lightning Breath 32 6.21 % 2/0 100.00 % 10/22 16.00
Spell Damage
Player Spell Dmg Spell % #Spells #Fail S.Low/Hi S.Avg #MBurst MB.Low/Hi MB.Avg[/b]
Fnord 4260 100.00 % 4 0 1026/1119 1065.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Thunder IV 4260 100.00 % 4 0 1026/1119 1065.00 0 0/0 0.00
Thalandor 5459 100.00 % 6 0 834/951 909.83 0 0/0 0.00
- Fire IV 1668 30.56 % 2 0 834/834 834.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Thunder IV 3791 69.44 % 4 0 938/951 947.75 0 0/0 0.00
Skillchain Damage
Skillchain SC Dmg # SC SC.Low/Hi SC.Avg[/b]
SC: Darkness 159 2 67/92 79.50
SC: Fusion 272 2 113/159 136.00
SC: Gravitation 48 1 48/48 48.00
SC: Light 639 2 273/366 319.50
Damage Summary[/b]
Player Total Dmg Damage % Melee Dmg Range Dmg Abil. Dmg WSkill Dmg Spell Dmg Other Dmg
Abela 8002 7.60 % 5449 0 0 2519 0 34
Aleve 154 0.15 % 0 0 0 0 154 0
Amc 8449 8.03 % 4168 0 0 3987 294 0
Ayrea 2323 2.21 % 482 0 0 1841 0 0
Daemonarche 10793 10.25 % 4333 0 0 6447 0 13
Fnord 6598 6.27 % 0 0 0 0 6598 0
Icestorm 4395 4.17 % 2108 0 0 1941 346 0
Ikonic 14640 13.91 % 9895 0 0 4441 0 304
Raizo 4824 4.58 % 822 0 0 0 4002 0
Serif 8928 8.48 % 4772 0 0 4156 0 0
Sheldon 8341 7.92 % 3665 0 0 4676 0 0
Thalandor 6761 6.42 % 0 0 0 0 6761 0
Umbrao 12555 11.93 % 4678 0 1141 6736 0 0
Zarris 7668 7.28 % 4503 0 0 2997 0 168
SC: Darkness 675 0.64 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Distortion 165 0.16 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 105271 100.00 % 44875 0 1141 39741 18155 519
Melee Damage
Player Melee Dmg Melee % Hit/Miss M.Acc % M.Low/Hi M.Avg #Crit C.Low/Hi C.Avg Crit%[/b]
Abela 5449 68.10 % 35/3 92.11 % 103/233 155.69 0 0/0 0.00 0.00 %
Amc 4168 49.33 % 38/1 97.44 % 3/178 94.28 6 117/266 191.83 15.79 %
Ayrea 482 20.75 % 5/0 100.00 % 58/142 96.40 0 0/0 0.00 0.00 %
Daemonarche 4333 40.15 % 39/9 81.25 % 20/190 106.38 2 177/220 198.50 5.13 %
Icestorm 2108 47.96 % 21/7 75.00 % 53/177 84.89 3 151/255 193.33 14.29 %
Ikonic 9895 67.59 % 154/10 93.90 % 0/125 57.55 20 0/156 109.15 12.99 %
Raizo 822 17.04 % 23/15 60.53 % 16/50 31.95 2 69/82 75.50 8.70 %
Serif 4772 53.45 % 41/4 91.11 % 22/223 111.00 4 115/247 166.25 9.76 %
Sheldon 3665 43.94 % 34/5 87.18 % 66/161 96.71 3 208/230 222.33 8.82 %
Umbrao 4678 37.26 % 33/1 97.06 % 103/218 135.16 2 234/254 244.00 6.06 %
Zarris 4503 58.72 % 110/42 72.37 % 23/71 38.90 6 70/87 76.17 5.45 %
Other Magical Damage (Additional Effects and Spikes)
Player M.AE Dmg # M.AE M.AE Avg R.AE Dmg # R.AE R.AE Avg Spk.Dmg # Spike Spk.Avg[/b]
Abela 34 2 17.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Daemonarche 13 2 6.50 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Ikonic 35 3 11.67 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Zarris 168 31 5.42 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Other Physical Damage (Counterattacks and Retaliations)
Player CA.Dmg CA.Hit/Miss CA.Low/Hi CA.Avg Ret.Dmg Ret.Hit/Miss Ret.Low/Hi Ret.Avg[/b]
Ikonic 269 4/0 12/124 67.25 0 0/0 0/0 0.00
Weaponskill Damage
Player WSkill Dmg WSkill % Hit/Miss WS.Acc % WS.Low/Hi WS.Avg[/b]
Abela 2519 31.48 % 5/0 100.00 % 312/688 503.80
- Raging Rush 1000 39.70 % 2/0 100.00 % 312/688 500.00
- Steel Cyclone 1519 60.30 % 3/0 100.00 % 473/549 506.33
Amc 3987 47.19 % 5/0 100.00 % 510/955 797.40
- Spinning Slash 3987 100.00 % 5/0 100.00 % 510/955 797.40
Ayrea 1841 79.25 % 2/0 100.00 % 903/938 920.50
- Tachi: Gekko 1841 100.00 % 2/0 100.00 % 903/938 920.50
Daemonarche 6447 59.73 % 8/0 100.00 % 477/1031 805.88
- Tachi: Gekko 6447 100.00 % 8/0 100.00 % 477/1031 805.88
Icestorm 1941 44.16 % 5/0 100.00 % 210/674 388.20
- Guillotine 674 34.72 % 1/0 100.00 % 674/674 674.00
- Steel Cyclone 1267 65.28 % 4/0 100.00 % 210/466 316.75
Ikonic 4441 30.33 % 8/0 100.00 % 282/947 555.13
- Asuran Fists 4032 90.79 % 7/0 100.00 % 282/947 576.00
- Howling Fist 409 9.21 % 1/0 100.00 % 409/409 409.00
Serif 4156 46.55 % 5/0 100.00 % 586/1112 831.20
- King's Justice 2432 58.52 % 3/0 100.00 % 586/1065 810.67
- Steel Cyclone 1724 41.48 % 2/0 100.00 % 612/1112 862.00
Sheldon 4676 56.06 % 7/0 100.00 % 518/784 668.00
- Tachi: Gekko 4676 100.00 % 7/0 100.00 % 518/784 668.00
Umbrao 6736 53.65 % 9/0 100.00 % 366/1110 748.44
- Drakesbane 6736 100.00 % 9/0 100.00 % 366/1110 748.44
Zarris 2997 39.08 % 4/0 100.00 % 679/819 749.25
- Dancing Edge 2997 100.00 % 4/0 100.00 % 679/819 749.25
Ability Damage
Player Abil. Dmg Abil. % Hit/Miss A.Acc % A.Low/Hi A.Avg[/b]
Umbrao 1141 9.09 % 6/1 85.71 % 103/313 190.17
- High Jump 338 29.62 % 3/0 100.00 % 103/122 112.67
- Jump 803 70.38 % 3/1 75.00 % 191/313 267.67
Spell Damage
Player Spell Dmg Spell % #Spells #Fail S.Low/Hi S.Avg #MBurst MB.Low/Hi MB.Avg[/b]
Aleve 154 100.00 % 3 0 13/77 51.33 0 0/0 0.00
- Dia III 13 8.44 % 1 0 13/13 13.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain 141 91.56 % 2 0 64/77 70.50 0 0/0 0.00
Amc 294 3.48 % 5 0 0/154 58.80 0 0/0 0.00
- Absorb-ACC 0 0.00 % 1 0 0/0 0.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain 103 35.03 % 2 0 15/88 51.50 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain II 191 64.97 % 2 0 37/154 95.50 0 0/0 0.00
Fnord 6598 100.00 % 8 0 128/1111 824.75 0 0/0 0.00
- Blizzard IV 1941 29.42 % 2 0 879/1062 970.50 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain 309 4.68 % 2 0 128/181 154.50 0 0/0 0.00
- Thunder IV 4348 65.90 % 4 0 1060/1111 1087.00 0 0/0 0.00
Icestorm 346 7.87 % 4 0 0/226 86.50 0 0/0 0.00
- Aspir 0 0.00 % 1 0 0/0 0.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain 311 89.88 % 2 0 85/226 155.50 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain II 35 10.12 % 1 0 35/35 35.00 0 0/0 0.00
Raizo 4002 82.96 % 10 0 223/536 400.20 0 0/0 0.00
- Disseverment 2104 52.57 % 5 0 223/536 420.80 0 0/0 0.00
- Frenetic Rip 1898 47.43 % 5 0 242/517 379.60 0 0/0 0.00
Thalandor 6761 100.00 % 10 0 61/939 676.10 0 0/0 0.00
- Blizzard IV 1398 20.68 % 2 0 524/874 699.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain 242 3.58 % 2 0 61/181 121.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Fire IV 873 12.91 % 1 0 873/873 873.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Thundaga III 579 8.56 % 1 0 579/579 579.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Thunder IV 3669 54.27 % 4 0 908/939 917.25 0 0/0 0.00
Skillchain Damage
Skillchain SC Dmg # SC SC.Low/Hi SC.Avg[/b]
SC: Darkness 675 2 209/466 337.50
SC: Distortion 165 1 165/165 165.00
Damage Summary[/b]
Player Total Dmg Damage % Melee Dmg Range Dmg Abil. Dmg WSkill Dmg Spell Dmg Other Dmg
Abela 4907 5.66 % 3005 0 0 1877 0 25
Aleve 819 0.94 % 0 0 0 0 819 0
Amc 6600 7.61 % 4910 0 18 1672 0 0
Ayrea 14664 16.91 % 3375 0 0 11289 0 0
Daemonarche 10827 12.48 % 2501 0 0 8326 0 0
Fnord 6375 7.35 % 0 0 0 0 6375 0
Icestorm 9077 10.47 % 6569 0 37 2263 208 0
Ikonic 8799 10.14 % 6368 0 64 2349 0 18
Keskia 356 0.41 % 0 0 0 0 356 0
Raizo 866 1.00 % 331 0 0 0 510 25
Serif 5222 6.02 % 1396 0 0 3825 0 1
Sheldon 2518 2.90 % 194 0 0 2324 0 0
Thalandor 6581 7.59 % 0 0 0 0 6581 0
Umbrao 3996 4.61 % 1659 0 216 2120 0 1
Zarris 2994 3.45 % 1669 0 0 1217 0 108
SC: Compression 12 0.01 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Darkness 1080 1.25 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Distortion 103 0.12 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Fragmentation 329 0.38 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Fusion 213 0.25 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
SC: Light 396 0.46 % 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 86734 100.00 % 31977 0 335 37262 14849 178
Melee Damage
Player Melee Dmg Melee % Hit/Miss M.Acc % M.Low/Hi M.Avg #Crit C.Low/Hi C.Avg Crit%[/b]
Abela 3005 61.24 % 31/14 68.89 % 59/130 94.33 1 175/175 175.00 3.23 %
Amc 4910 74.39 % 66/44 60.00 % 0/241 69.16 9 9/181 107.56 13.64 %
Ayrea 3375 23.02 % 47/13 78.33 % 14/96 63.91 4 127/185 156.75 8.51 %
Daemonarche 2501 23.10 % 41/20 67.21 % 19/95 57.67 2 93/159 126.00 4.88 %
Icestorm 6569 72.37 % 55/2 96.49 % 1/239 117.08 3 88/283 160.33 5.45 %
Ikonic 6368 72.37 % 178/66 72.95 % 5/56 28.75 27 54/101 75.07 15.17 %
Raizo 331 38.22 % 21/40 34.43 % 0/30 9.50 3 51/57 53.33 14.29 %
Serif 1396 26.73 % 13/1 92.86 % 13/106 53.67 4 185/272 228.25 30.77 %
Sheldon 194 7.70 % 6/3 66.67 % 7/65 32.33 0 0/0 0.00 0.00 %
Umbrao 1659 41.52 % 25/0 100.00 % 25/98 63.79 1 128/128 128.00 4.00 %
Zarris 1669 55.74 % 106/56 65.43 % 0/32 14.35 7 25/59 35.43 6.60 %
Other Magical Damage (Additional Effects and Spikes)
Player M.AE Dmg # M.AE M.AE Avg R.AE Dmg # R.AE R.AE Avg Spk.Dmg # Spike Spk.Avg[/b]
Abela 25 3 8.33 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Ikonic 18 7 2.57 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Raizo 25 1 25.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Serif 1 1 1.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Umbrao 1 1 1.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Zarris 108 38 2.84 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00
Weaponskill Damage
Player WSkill Dmg WSkill % Hit/Miss WS.Acc % WS.Low/Hi WS.Avg[/b]
Abela 1877 38.25 % 4/0 100.00 % 277/642 469.25
- Raging Rush 358 19.07 % 1/0 100.00 % 358/358 358.00
- Steel Cyclone 1519 80.93 % 3/0 100.00 % 277/642 506.33
Amc 1672 25.33 % 3/0 100.00 % 487/687 557.33
- Spinning Slash 1672 100.00 % 3/0 100.00 % 487/687 557.33
Ayrea 11289 76.98 % 14/0 100.00 % 574/1064 806.36
- Tachi: Gekko 9848 87.24 % 12/0 100.00 % 574/1064 820.67
- Tachi: Kasha 805 7.13 % 1/0 100.00 % 805/805 805.00
- Tachi: Yukikaze 636 5.63 % 1/0 100.00 % 636/636 636.00
Daemonarche 8326 76.90 % 11/0 100.00 % 401/1094 756.91
- Tachi: Gekko 8326 100.00 % 11/0 100.00 % 401/1094 756.91
Icestorm 2263 24.93 % 5/0 100.00 % 247/665 452.60
- Guillotine 364 16.08 % 1/0 100.00 % 364/364 364.00
- Insurgency 1317 58.20 % 3/0 100.00 % 247/665 439.00
- Steel Cyclone 582 25.72 % 1/0 100.00 % 582/582 582.00
Ikonic 2349 26.70 % 10/0 100.00 % 95/343 234.90
- Asuran Fists 2254 95.96 % 9/0 100.00 % 142/343 250.44
- Howling Fist 95 4.04 % 1/0 100.00 % 95/95 95.00
Serif 3825 73.25 % 2/0 100.00 % 1519/2306 1912.50
- King's Justice 1519 39.71 % 1/0 100.00 % 1519/1519 1519.00
- Steel Cyclone 2306 60.29 % 1/0 100.00 % 2306/2306 2306.00
Sheldon 2324 92.30 % 6/0 100.00 % 306/513 387.33
- Tachi: Gekko 2324 100.00 % 6/0 100.00 % 306/513 387.33
Umbrao 2120 53.05 % 6/0 100.00 % 131/526 353.33
- Drakesbane 2120 100.00 % 6/0 100.00 % 131/526 353.33
Zarris 1217 40.65 % 3/0 100.00 % 322/477 405.67
- Shark Bite 1217 100.00 % 3/0 100.00 % 322/477 405.67
Ability Damage
Player Abil. Dmg Abil. % Hit/Miss A.Acc % A.Low/Hi A.Avg[/b]
Amc 18 0.27 % 1/0 100.00 % 18/18 18.00
- Weapon Bash 18 100.00 % 1/0 100.00 % 18/18 18.00
Daemonarche 0 0.00 % 1/0 100.00 % 0/0 0.00
- Blade Bash 0 0.00 % 1/0 100.00 % 0/0 0.00
Icestorm 37 0.41 % 2/0 100.00 % 18/19 18.50
- Weapon Bash 37 100.00 % 2/0 100.00 % 18/19 18.50
Ikonic 64 0.73 % 1/0 100.00 % 64/64 64.00
- Chi Blast 64 100.00 % 1/0 100.00 % 64/64 64.00
Umbrao 216 5.41 % 3/0 100.00 % 49/93 72.00
- High Jump 74 34.26 % 1/0 100.00 % 74/74 74.00
- Jump 142 65.74 % 2/0 100.00 % 49/93 71.00
Spell Damage
Player Spell Dmg Spell % #Spells #Fail S.Low/Hi S.Avg #MBurst MB.Low/Hi MB.Avg[/b]
Aleve 819 100.00 % 2 0 401/418 409.50 0 0/0 0.00
- Blizzard III 401 48.96 % 1 0 401/401 401.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Thunder III 418 51.04 % 1 0 418/418 418.00 0 0/0 0.00
Fnord 6375 100.00 % 9 0 19/1135 708.33 0 0/0 0.00
- Blizzaga III 941 14.76 % 1 0 941/941 941.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Blizzard IV 1608 25.22 % 2 0 783/825 804.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Burst II 1000 15.69 % 1 0 1000/1000 1000.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain 40 0.63 % 2 0 19/21 20.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Freeze II 1135 17.80 % 1 0 1135/1135 1135.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Thunder IV 1651 25.90 % 2 0 815/836 825.50 0 0/0 0.00
Icestorm 208 2.29 % 1 0 208/208 208.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Drain II 208 100.00 % 1 0 208/208 208.00 0 0/0 0.00
Keskia 356 100.00 % 1 0 356/356 356.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Blizzard III 356 100.00 % 1 0 356/356 356.00 0 0/0 0.00
Raizo 510 58.89 % 5 0 22/163 102.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Disseverment 264 51.76 % 3 0 22/127 88.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Frenetic Rip 246 48.24 % 2 0 83/163 123.00 0 0/0 0.00
Thalandor 6581 100.00 % 9 0 635/875 703.71 2 798/857 827.50
- Blizzard IV 2314 35.16 % 3 0 659/659 659.00 2 798/857 827.50
- Fire IV 1307 19.86 % 2 0 635/672 653.50 0 0/0 0.00
- Thundaga III 875 13.30 % 1 0 875/875 875.00 0 0/0 0.00
- Thunder IV 2085 31.68 % 3 0 687/711 695.00 0 0/0 0.00
Skillchain Damage
Skillchain SC Dmg # SC SC.Low/Hi SC.Avg[/b]
SC: Compression 12 1 12/12 12.00
SC: Darkness 1080 5 30/707 216.00
SC: Distortion 103 2 43/60 51.50
SC: Fragmentation 329 2 79/250 164.50
SC: Fusion 213 2 65/148 106.50
SC: Light 396 2 65/331 198.00